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book review "From the files of Madison Finn #20"

       My first fully gratitude to Allah SWT for blessing me to finish this review entitled “From the File s of Madison Finn #20 All that Glitters”. After running in some phase from searching for this great book, reading it thoroughly, making some general resume till the last finishing, that was making the whole review. This review is content the introduction that discuss the highlight of book, the interpretative recount, evaluation, evaluation summation, and also the recommendation that invite the reader to read this book.
         Although the writer has been done this perfectly, but exactly realizes that this review must not entirely perfect in result. For this reason, with arms wide open the writer accept the appraisal for this review.
         The second gratefully thanks to my teachers Mom. Suci Mildayuni for many advises in this assignment, for her the writer couldn’t do without. Also, thanks for my lovely aunt who always help me for a translator when I got a hard one for the sentence and help me to make a good sentence in english. The last but not least thanks to my mates for supporting me in any ways. May this work can be useful to who ever read it.
                                                                                                                 Lestari Wevriandini

All that Glitters “From the files of Madison Finn #20
Publisher: Volo
Date published: 2005-12-01
All that glitters is a great Madison’s series. I have got it in the 20th of Madison Finn. I knew then that it has 22 in series. However, it is not a matter though I have been started from the 20th because it has its own different story in each series.
            Laura Dower was very creative writers. Her writing can attract the readers to read the book and fell addicted to read the next book. So that is why From The Files of Madison Finn have been became a best seller. 
            The Madison Finn 20th is about a 12 years old girl named Madison Finn and two her friends, who live in the fictional town of far Hills in New York. Madison is the daughter of Francine and Jeff Finn. Many stories of this series told us about Madison and her friends, Fiona and Aimee. They got a pink-glitter invitation from Lindsay, their best friends. Lindsay wants to make a plan with Madison, Fiona, Aimee in her birthday.
            However, there are problems to go to Lindsay’s birthday. The journey is not all bright lights as like as they want. Lindsay thinks her dad has forgotten her big day, and they worried about an upcoming test at school.
The setting of this book was taken in many places, but as long as I know much of the settings was took at school. Actually, I have to think much where the setting because this book was told the files of Madison, in that word it told us about the diaries of Madison and her daily activities.
Part of this book was told us the detail what happen in their life as long as Madison and her friends prepare the Lindsay’s birthday. It is very great because this book can bring us how to face the problem when we face the same condition. it was sort of detailed about things like surroundings, furniture, etc.

Books with the title from the files of Madison Finn were about the files of Madison Finn. The story of her life between new crushes, old enemies, family drama and friendly adventures which she wrote all in Maddie's computer.
The story in Madison Finn 20th told about all the glitters that Madison and her friends made. Madison’s mom and dad have just split up, and thanksgiving is coming up soon. Madison’s grandmother is not going to be able to come and visit her for the holiday. Madison starts volunteering at the animal shelter. Her dog phinne becomes really jealous. Her parents have her chose to go with for the holiday and her social studies partner Egg that is not helping much.
Suddenly, when Madison got a full fell about Hurt and thought about a bad felling of her activity, she grabbed the pink envelope from her best friends. She couldn’t believe how perfect the invitation. It was the perfect thing to take her mind off Hart Jones. Hart Jones that always in her minds. She goes to New York City for her best friend’s Birthday Party with her best friends Aunt Mimi who made a lot of money by playing with the Stock Market. They just shop until they drop for one day. However, there are problems to go to Lindsay’s birthday. The journey is not all bright lights as like as they want. Lindsay thinks her dad has forgotten her big day, and she worried about an upcoming test at school. There is some problems of Madison with Hart also told in this book. Madison has got falling in love with Hart but she couldn’t say to Hart. The stories told us a little bit of friends before guys, but it just for the stories about Madison and Hart.
In other way, Lindsay was sad at her party because her mom and dad are in the middle of a divorce. Lindsay's parents are in the process of the big divorce and while Lindsay is having her party her father who moved away a few weeks ago still doesn't turn up. Madison knows very well how her friend is feeling at the very moment because her parents divorced a year ago and decides to make her best friend’s Birthday less miserable and make it the soon to be best birthday Lindsay has ever in her entire life. 
The stories were getting better and better where the adventure of Madison and her friends to go to Lindsay’s birthday was going well in the end of stories. They celebrate Lindsay’s birthday well.
I just want to tell more about the character in book from the files of Madison Finn, even the actor/actress in this series wasn’t complete for all the actor/actress in all series of from the files of Madison Finn’s book. In the book of from the Madison file, there are many kinds of character for each actors/actress. They are Madison Finn as the main character of this book. It is obvious that her favorite color is orange as she has an orange laptop that she usually carries with her and writes her activities as a file. She likes to write on her laptop of what happened in that day. She has a pug named Phineas T. Finn.Madison lives with her mother who is divorced from Madison's father previously before the first book. Madison known as a shy girl, she’s shows great care for animals. Madison writes files on her computer which act as her diary where she writes about what is currently going on in her life. Madison is described as being a normal weight and has green eyes and brown hair. She is also a very dramatized kid, she also want to help her friends and make everything else too.
In this book also describe the character of Madison’s best friends. They are Aimee, Fiona, and Lindsay. Aimee who has a full name as Aimee Anne Gillespie has been be a friend of Madison since they were born. She is thin girl and blonde, and loves to dance ballet. She was planning on being a professional ballerina. She practices daily and Aimee loves to gossip, but would never betray her friends. She is also very afraid of water. Fiona Waters usually called by Fiona moved to Far Hills from California. She has a twin brother, named Chet.  Fiona is shown to have an immense talent in soccer. She is pretty with long dark hair dark skin and brown eyes, and for the last Madison’s best friend is Lindsay who has a full name Lindsay Frost. Madison had known her since first grade , but never really knew her well.  Lindsay is a girl who had an incredible voice, but was very shy.
There is a boy that has a special position in Madison Finn stories. He is Hart Jones. Hart Jones Madison's crush through the series and also cousins with Drew Maxwell. At first it was thought that Hart liked Ivy, but later it becomes apparent that his crush was on Madison all along. Hart plays hockey along with most of guys in the group. He is known to be the cutest boy in the seventh grade at Far Hills Junior High. It is revealed that in 2nd grade Madison slugged Hart. Like most boys, he enjoys sports, pulling pranks, along with skateboarding. He is tall with dark hair and sometimes wears glasses.
The other besides Madison, Fiona, Aimee, Lindsay, and Hurt, there are three actor and actress that have mentioned in this book. They are Ivy, Drew Maxwell, and Egg. Ivy Daly who usually called Poison Ivy by Madison and her friends. Ivy is a girl with red hair and a snobbish attitude who is Madison, Aimee and Fiona's enemy. She once was Madison's best friend, but the two soon turned into enemies when Ivy changed after coming back from summer camp and suddenly thought she was better than Madison. She is usually Madison's lab partner but she rarely does her own work, preferring to copy Madison's. She considered Hart her boyfriend in the earlier books but it is obvious that Hart has no feelings for her. She is beautiful with long curly red hair and green eyes. Drew is Hart's cousin. He is the quiet one of the group, also the richest one out of them all. It is evident that he likes Madison, despite the fact that he gets a girlfriend in the middle of the series. He also asked Madison to the school's Heart 2 Heart dance but she immediately turned him down in hopes that Hart would ask her instead. Drew is known for his extremely extravagant parties and having virtually anything he wants. The last characters in this book is Walter "Egg" Diaz. Though, he didn’t mention in many part of book.  Walter "Egg" Diaz is Madison's male friend. He got his nickname when an egg was thrown at his face when he was younger. Egg is only called Walter by his mom. Egg is described as annoying, loud and loves to make fun of his friends and pull jokes. He also has a groups' computer with Drew Maxwell. 
The characters for all actors and actress in this book was took own part well. The combination between character and actress/actor was really good. When we read this book we can imagine how the actress/actor’s characters and the real they are. The writer was very creative to combine all, so the reader really likes this book because it's really catchy.
From the files of Madison Finn #20 all that glitters  we can really enjoy reading for all the adventure that happen like you only girls on the adventure too. It is like express your imagination for all the activities that you have. The stories about Madison Finn and other actress/actors can bring us to a real life and how to solve the problem that we have. Every problem has many ways to solve.  
Having problem and conquering it perfectly is something all people have to do. However, somehow you don’t have to face it first to know whether you could through it well or not because through this book you could feel it without making additional ones.
I recommend the reader to read this book. This book very good, I really enjoyed the stories and all the actress/actors that it has. Once more I say that Laura Dower as a writer was really have a good and creative idea. She can pour all of her creative with writing a book. Let’s get this book and enjoy reading it!.


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